About Me

"Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh"
Nama saya Eka Sapri Alvyanto. Saya terjun di dunia Blogging sejak 24 Desember 2008 sampai sekarang. Maksud dan tujuan saya berkecimpung dalam dunia Blogging tak lain hanya ingin berkumpul bersama anda, saling bersilaturahmi dan saling berbagi ilmu pengetahuan serta pengalaman dalam dunia maya.  

Semoga Blog alvyanto yang saya bangun ini bisa saling memberi dan saling menerima bersama anda dan semoga bisa membawa manfaat untuk pengunjung blog ini. Saya sangat berterima kasih kepada anda apabila anda sudi meninggalkan komentar, kritik atau saran untuk blog saya. Anda juga dapat menemui saya di Facebook, Twitter dan Google +. Terima kasih anda sudah meluangkan waktunya untuk berkunjung di blog ini. Salam kenal untuk anda semua, wassalam.


  1. Hi there,

    My name is David King. We haven't met yet but I think I have an idea you may like. Professionally I specialize in helping businesses make a profit from their newsletters (marketing stuff) by doing strategic e-mail promotions.

    Here's my idea: Now, I have no idea how many people you actually have on your newsletter, but on average I help my partners get around $1 per email sent. So that means if you have 100 people subscribed, you're looking at about an average of $100 profit. If you have 10,000 subscribers… $10,000. The range varies but I've never sent out a promotion in the past 2 years where all parties didn't make money.

    Also… there is NO cost to you what-so-ever & there never will be.

    All you have to do is just reply & let me know if you're interested & we can go over the details. Again, this won't ever cost you a dime - EVER.

    So reply here, or shoot me an email at david@helpingbusinessesprofit.com. I'd love to work with you because I think your fans will really appreciate it & we stand to make a decent chunk of change together.

    Cheers & looking forward to talking soon.
    - David King

  2. @David King sory I'm now buzy with teach student in school...

  3. @Febrianto Putra bukan mas, saya dari probolinggo kebetulan kemaren kuliah di malang

  4. ijin ambil foto chloropytanya ya..terima ksh
